Restorative Practices in Schools Winter Institute

Our Winter 2023 Training Institute in Restorative Practices for Schools will be held by Zoom on Feb 6-14. 
Intro to RPS: Feb 6-7
Restorative Mediation & Conferencing: Feb 9-10
Active Implementation & Evaluation: Feb 13-14
The Fall Institute was so successful that we decided to hold a Winter Institute to support all the folks who want to get trained!

This six-day institute (2, 4, or 6-day options) in Restorative Practices is a collaborative effort between Restorative Solutions and our other training colleagues. See our About Us page for details of our training staff.

(To download the 2023 Winter Institute flyer, click here:
Winter Institute Flyer 2023)

Gain Critical Understanding and Practical Tools to Build & Sustain a Restorative School Culture

Implementing restorative practices is about supporting the hearts and minds of your students, teachers, staff, and parents, so they are focused on strengthening and repairing relationships to establish and maintain healthy and productive learning communities. The focus isn’t just on discipline and responding to behavior concerns. The focus must also be on building connections as a way to prevent problems from occurring in the first place.

This is not “a program” to implement in your school. It is bigger than this…it’s about shifting your entire school culture. The restorative school sees restorative practices as “just a part of how we do things around here” instead of an occasional tool we use when a child is in trouble.

The possibilities and the potential for transformative change in your school are enormous. The hard work is about aligning principles, values, and prevailing beliefs about the most effective ways to build a community. This is an evidence-based approach that is done with your students and staff…not done to your students and staff.

From everyday tools for the classroom to school and district-wide implementation strategies, learn about how to achieve dramatic results with Restorative Practices.

Specifics of the training:

Introduction to Restorative Practices in Schools: Feb 6-7, 2023

Monday – Tuesday ($350)
Participants will explore the fundamental values and principles of restorative practices and will have opportunities to learn and practice connection circles, restorative language and conversations, and restorative agreement meetings. Attendees receive CEU credits, resource materials, refreshments, a complimentary copy of The Little Book of Restorative Discipline, and continued consultation support.

Restorative Mediation & Conferencing: Feb 9-10, 2023

Thursday – Friday ($350)
A two-day intensive dedicated to restorative mediation and conferencing for school personnel regularly responsible for addressing discipline issues. Steps in each of these two formal processes will be covered. Coaches will be present during practice sessions, and questions regarding integration with existing discipline practices will be addressed. Participants will come away with the tools and knowledge to conduct both restorative mediation and conferencing.

Active Implementation & Evaluation: Nov 13-14, 2023

Monday – Tuesday ($375)
This two-day workshop translates cutting-edge research in implementation science into practical tools to develop your own full spectrum prevention-to-intervention restorative practices implementation and evaluation plan. Topics include: understanding organizational culture, identification of strengths and roadblocks, stakeholder participation and support, professional development recommendations, crafting restorative codes of conduct, staff, and administrator evaluation rubrics, using restorative practices to address staff and student conflict, building a sustainable community of practice and developing an evaluation plan. Participants will come away with a full understanding of best practices for restorative practices implementation for the unique needs of their school and/or district. Attendees receive CEU credits, resource materials, refreshments, a complimentary copy of Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools ($35 value), and continued consultation support.
All Classes MST: 8:20 (arrive time),8:30 (start time) – 4:00 (end time)

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