Our Trainers & Consultants

Randy Compton
is the President and Co-Founder of Restorative Solutions, Inc. His specialty is designing and implementing school-based restorative justice programs. He has a long history of working for children, youth and families and worked for years in the field of conflict resolution education. In 2003, he co-edited one of the leading books in the field of conflict resolution education, entitled Kids Working It Out: Stories and Strategies for Making Peace in Our Schools. During his time at the School Mediation Center, he coordinated the National Curriculum Integration Project, founded two major conferences, served on the Standards Committee for the Conflict Resolution Education Network, authored numerous articles, wrote and edited curricula and videos, and presented dozens of times at conferences throughout Colorado and the U.S. Since then, he has helped write the organization’s five training manuals and facilitates their Summer, Fall and Winter Training Institutes in Restorative Practices. He lives in Boulder, CO.

Catherine Childs
is the Principal, Lead Trainer and Consultant with Restorative Solutions and was the Interim Director of Juvenile and Adult Restorative Justice for the 20th Judicial District Probation Department in Boulder from 2015-2018. She has dedicated her career to human and community justice services, committing the last 18 years of her professional development and career exclusively to Restorative Justice Practices. Catherine specializes in facilitator training and program development, implementation and evaluation in schools and criminal justice. She demonstrates a commitment to applying restorative values and practices across the spectrum of prevention to intervention, from ending the school to prison pipeline to restorative innovations for serious and violent crime, including the development of a model to assess offender accountability. She is particularly interested in realizing fully Restorative Communities which are rooted in trauma-informed care and equity practices. She lives in Providence, RI.

Kevin Pugh
is a Lead Trainer with Restorative Solutions and was recently the Dean of School Culture at Flagstaff Academy, a public charter PK-8 school in Longmont, Colorado. Since 2009, Flagstaff Academy has been evolving as a fully restorative school and has completely eliminated after-school detentions, cut the number of suspensions by more than 90%, and increased student-reported sense of belonging and safety by over 200% as a result of utilizing restorative practices in the school. The culture shift also instigated a climb in the Colorado School Performance Framework rankings from #651 up to #1 in the state. The school has been recognized three times in four years as a John Irwin School of Excellence, representing the top 8% of academically performing schools in the state. Kevin is a Ph.D. candidate in Organizational Leadership (with a research focus on restorative practices in schools), a nationally certified Crime Prevention Specialist, and a Social Justice and Diversity educator. He lives in Lafayette, CO.

Mary Barron
is a Lead Trainer with Restorative Solutions and served as the Restorative Practices Coordinator for Estes Park School District. Currently, she is the Assistant Principal at Estes Park Middle School. She has been working in the field of public education for approximately 22 years in roles such as special education teacher, director of education for a day treatment program for at-risk youth, special education coordinator, and assistant principal prior to her current position in Estes Park where they are in their 5th year of Restorative Practices Implementation. In addition to working in the school system, Mary volunteers as a board member with the Estes Valley Restorative Justice Partnership and Estes Park Police Department as a facilitator of Community Group Conferencing. Because of her work using RP with educators, students and families, she believes every school system should be engaging in restorative practices as the basis of their community building and response to harm and disciplinary events. She lives in Allenspark, CO.

Rochelle Bronson
is an Associate Trainer with Restorative Solutions and is the Professional Learning Coordinator and lead Restorative Practices Trainer for Flagstaff Unified School District (FUSD). She has implemented Restorative Practices since 2004. In her 30-year career, she has worked as a paraprofessional, substitute, and teacher from grades K-12. She was an English Language Learner Specialist, Instructional Specialist, Instructional Coach, and Administrator for a 6-8 middle school. Rochelle holds a BA in Education and Psychology and a Master's in Bilingual Education from Northern Arizona University, as well as a Master's in Art of Educational Leadership from Arizona State University. She is a Co-Founder of the FUSD Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee, which builds social justice professional learning, curriculum, and Social and Emotional Learning, and ensures staff diversity in the FUSD. Rochelle provides facilitation for Social Justice Standards as well as book studies that influence a culture of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion that supports all stakeholders. She lives in Flagstaff, AZ.

Chrystal Haas, Ed. D.
is an Associate Trainer with Restorative Solutions and is the Restorative Practices District Trainer for Red Clay Consolidated School District in New Castle County, DE. She is also the Restorative Practices Coordinator, Anti-Bullying Advisory and Secondary Vocal Music teacher at Thomas McKean High School in Wilmington, DE. She lives in Wilmington, DE.

Sonia Jain, DrPH
is a Lead Evaluator and Strategic Thought Partner with Restorative Solutions, and a Principal and Founder of DNA Global, an equity-focused think tank and consulting firm, committed to evaluating and strengthening RJ programs globally, implementing what works, and advancing RJ evidence base. Sonia’s innovative research and collaborative community partnerships seek to reform public systems and youth serving programs. She has dedicated her 30-year career to transforming public systems, policies and practices to empower high-risk youth and communities to thrive. Sonia brings extensive technical, theoretical, culturally diverse mixed methods, and practical experience working across sectors to lead meaningful evaluations from community-based participatory action research, Empowerment Evaluation, RBA, Implementation Science to more rigorous experimental designs to measure what matters. She served as the Lead Evaluator for Oakland Unified School District’s RJ program and her work culminated into a comprehensive evaluation report measuring RJ implementation and effectiveness. She has co-authored numerous papers, reports, presentations on RJ and related fields. She lives in Danville, CA.
Additional Trainers

Tracey Battle, M.Ed
is the Director of Culture & Climate for District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) in Washington DC-Baltimore MD.

Mark Calhoun
is a Math teacher at Manuel High in Denver, CO.

Leslie Grabel
is the ELL Specialist at Sinagua Middle School, Coconino High School & Summit High School in Flagstaff, AZ.

Erica Holloway
is the SEL Specialist at Crowley Independent School District in Fort Worth, TX.

Cam McCord
is a Counselor at Coconino High School in Flagstaff, AZ.

Alisha Mihoda
is the Exceptional Student Services Coordinator for Flagstaff Unified School District in Flagstaff, AZ.

Priyanka Graten
is a coordinator for the Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction department and served as an Assistant Principal at a middle school for 4 years implementing restorative practices school-wide for Douglas County School District in Castle Rock, CO.

Jessica Ranalletta
is an Assistant Principal and Professional Learning Specialist at Cimarron Middle School in Parker, CO.

Jodi Wardlow
is the Thompson School District Student Success Coach and Restorative Practices Specialist in Loveland, CO.
Advisory Board Members

Kerri Berkowitz
In her early professional years as a school social worker, she witnessed the undeniable positive influence of connection in the classroom and its impact on school climate, wellness and academic achievement. This inspired her dedication to helping schools embrace relational and restorative practices. As the Restorative Practices Manager for San Francisco Unified School District Kerri led a transformational shift of inequitable disciplinary practices and school climate improvement. In 2014, Kerri founded the Center for Relational Practices, an organization that specializes in providing strategic planning, high quality training and coaching support in restorative principles and practices. She currently partners with multiple schools and districts throughout North America, including the great state of Alaska (her favorite place to kayak amongst the whales). Kerri is committed to ensuring all school communities become a true place of connection and belonging for all.

Katherine Evans
has been a professor in teacher education at EMU since 2011. She teaches courses in educational psychology, special education, and restorative justice in education (RJE). She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Research from The University of Tennessee in Knoxville where her dissertation research employed phenomenological interviews with middle school students about their experiences with in-school suspension. Prior to graduate school, Evans was a middle and high school special educator for students identified as having learning, behavioral, and emotional challenges. Her research, teaching, and scholarship focus on ways in which restorative justice practices support educators in creating more just and equitable educational opportunities for all students, including those with disability labels, those who exhibit challenging behavior, and those who are marginalized for a variety of reasons.
While at EMU, Evans has been active in furthering the field of Restorative Justice in Education (RJE), both through scholarship and teaching, by working collaboratively with colleagues and local educators to develop both a Master's concentration and a graduate certificate in RJE. For more information, please refer to the website: http://www.emu.edu/maed/restorative-justice/Evans has published several articles and book chapters related to zero tolerance policies, restorative justice, and school discipline practices and regularly presents at professional conferences. Along with Dr. Dorothy Vaandering, she is a co-author of The Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education, published through Skyhorse Publishing. She is a member of several professional organizations including the National Association of Community and Restorative Justice, the American Educational Research Association, and the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.